FranNet of Michigan is proud to present “The Michigan Franchise Forum: Meet the Franchisors” on Thursday, June 18th. This NO FEE and NO OBLIGATION event puts you in the same room with franchise development executives looking to expand in Michigan.
Franchise categories will represent a wide variety of the business spectrum including fast casual dining, in-home senior care, retail and commercial distribution/recycling, business consulting, and residential/commercial improvement systems. These businesses will be either business-to-business, executive or semi-absentee models.
Attendees will:
- Get a brief overview of franchising, including the various points of entry and current landscape in Michigan and nationally
- Hear from a small business financing expert
- Have questions answered and engage in one-on-one discussions with any or all of the franchisors
- Learn about the next steps in conducting a thorough investigation on one or more of the concepts presented.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
11:30am to 1:30pm
Battery Giant Headquarters
1551 E. Lincoln Avenue
Madison Heights, MI 48071
Lunch is provided
CLICK HERE to find out more about this event and to register. This is a free event, but due to limited seating, registration is required and reserved for individuals (or couples) with strong managerial and/or marketing and sales background, liquidity of at least $75,000, and who are contemplating a business launch in the next 6 to 12 months.
CAN’T MAKE THE EVENT? Contact me at or 313-821-5060. Lets talk more about finding the right franchise for you.
Learn franchising basics, including the array of categories and investment levels available (starting at around $50K), and how to go about defining your own personal vision, matching that up with viable choices, and conducting proper due diligence to make sure you’re selecting the RIGHT fit for YOU! Join me on Tuesday, June 11 for “Franchising as a Career, an Investment or Both” in Troy, MI. Find out more and register by clicking this link.
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